Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week 2, day 9… of my 8 hours of sleep for 2 weeks, challenge ;)

The 1st week was pretty successful if I do say so myself, as for the weekend it’s hard to really say, I slept later in the mornings than I usually do during the work days (who doesn’t) but I think overall I’ve done well with my challenge. Last night I went to bed later; I really didn’t have much of a choice…I finally got the boys to bed by 10:00pm, which only gave me 7 hours of sleep. The rest of the week it shouldn’t be too hard to get my butt in bed by 9:00pm. After this week is over I hope to start a second challenge and see if I can wake up by 4:00am each morning that I have to work and get my work-out in before instead of trying to do it after work. I do like running the trails though so this may be something I go back and forth with.
As for the rest of the week… here are some things I would like to get done:
- Go through my room upstairs and get some pages to work on July 4th
(I think I’m going to do Birthday photos)
- Find 3 photo’s for my 31 day photo challenge
- Laundry (does it ever end!!!!)
- Chandelier
- Put sinks on Craig’s list
- Do a post secret post card ;)
- Put book on flash drive
- Check out 2010 coins on-line
- Oh yeah don’t forget to do the Fourth of July Cupcakes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Tuesday all… now I’ve got to consider what my July challenge will be??? Oh yeah I want to show you guys my wildflower garden I worked on at the beginning of Spring… it didn’t turn out great but I have a few blooms!!!

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