Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy July 4th

Let’s see, I started out with a 2 week challenge to see if I could truly get a full 8 hours of sleep each night and I think I did dang-on good. I have to say though that if I had tried this challenge in fall I might not have been as successful. It was easy to make myself fall asleep when there’s no new shows and/ or episode I “HAVE” I stay up and watch…with no new episode’s of Criminal Minds, Dexter, and Survivor what’s the point, right? I think the best things about taking this challenge is that I did do it and for the most felt better each morning. While I know it’s not going to always be easy to make myself go to bed I think I’ve gotten into a good rhythm and feel it will be easy to stick to my efforts of getting 8 hours of sleep each night… now if I can just figure out how to get my work-out in without compromising my sleep time, I’ll be happy

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