Monday, June 13, 2011

100 Things I love about myself:

1.My Faith
2.I have a good sense of style
3.That I can decide that I need to forgive and actually do it
4.I am a hard worker, when I want to be
5.My thick unmanageable hair
6.I’m creative and an artist
7.I’m a memory maker
8.I love my kids too much (well you can never love then too much, can you?)
9.Questioning my own beliefs, thereby making them stronger
10.I’m tech savvy
11.When I really, really want something, I don’t wait around for it to come to me; I go and get it
12.I enjoy my own company
13.I’ve retained most of the values my grandparents instilled in me, even after going down my own path
14.My ability to take criticism and my commitment to ongoing self-reflection
15.My son’s love me to pieces and want to spend time with me
16.I stand up for what’s right, even if it might get me in trouble
17.I love life and I love the journey
18.I’m a possibility thinker
19.I remember who gifts are given by
20.I’m strong
21.I cannot fake my feelings
22.I take risks!
23.I’m opened minded, although I try to follow simple truths
24.I don’t mind admitting my faults, I’m aware of my faults, and I’m starting to learn to be kind to myself
25.I’m a great mom, even when I’m stretched to my limit!
26.I’m very patient
27.I enjoy the seasons
28.I feel like I know the secret to being happy (it’s on this list)
29.I still believe in fairytales
30.I love taking photographs
31.I am an independent thinker, culture rarely influences me
32.I believe in peace
33.I am more tolerant with age
34.I’m excited, most of the time
35.I am empathetic
36.I’m very organized
37.I’m passionate
38.I can work with anyone, ever if I don’t like them (it doesn’t affect my ability to get the job done and do it right)
39.That my nails grow out nice
40.I’m very good at using my time wisely
41.I don’t get bored with myself
42.I’m productive
43.That I want to learn something new every day
44.My work ethic
45.That I like working in the yard
46.As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized it’s not about everyone else, but my own path that really matters. People opinion’s of me rarely influence where I’m going in life
47.I’m polite; I hold the door for people and still say yes mam and sir
48.That I’m traditional…with a spark of flamboyance!
49.I still try to treat people the way I would like to be treated even when others don’t follow my philosophy
50.I don’t allow my past to define who I ‘am today
51.I have regrets, and for the most part I’m okay with that
52.I don’t judge people on other’s opinions … I like to decide for myself
53.Even though I have challenges with my language skills it doesn’t stop me from writing
54.I love animals
55.I put other’s before myself
56.I am NOT selfish
57.I am accountable for my actions
58.My ability to see both points of view… before making my decisions
59.I believe in individuality
60.Whenever my son asks for the last piece of something, I always give it to him even if I want it
61.Loyal to my true friends
62.I volunteer
63.Believe in equality for ALL
64.I can be gentle & strong at the same time
65.I have good intentions
66.I give blood when I can… my blood helps baby’s and people who are critically ill
67.I believe in miracles
68.See the glass as half full
69.That I care enough to always make myself better
70.I like “most” people…I don’t hate anyone
71.That I love the art’s
72.Look at each day as a fresh start
73.I learn lessons from others mistakes
74.I’m very good at getting a good deal or bargin
75.I make to-do list
76.Understand when to keep my mouth shut, for the most part anyway
77.I'm a Spiritual Being having a human experience
78.I can normally see the big picture and try not to sweat the small stuff
79.I know when to be serious
80.I can be frivolous…and run through the sprinkler’s with my kids
81.That people tell me I have really good skin
82.I’m beginning to understand what’s good for me
83.Understand that you only get one life… make every minute count
84.I can ask for help
85.I can bounce back from setbacks and learn from them
86.I can work on my car
87.I try to do things for myself before I throw my hands in the air and let someone else do it for me
88.I’m interested in “stuff”
89.When I read…I take the time to look up things that are in the books
90.I can find cheap/free things to do when I’m broke
91.That I don’t have to go out of my way to feel pretty
92.My son thinks I’m beautiful and cute!
93.I’m self-disciplined
94.I don’t miss work and hardly ever late to anything
95.I find ways to challenge myself
96.I don’t mind asking questions when I don’t understand things.
97.I’m happy for others and don’ t get upset when people who deserve things, get them
98.I give myself pep talks from time to time
99.I don’t litter
100.I have nice handwriting

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