Challenge's.. An Archive: 2009 - Today!!

               April, 2012 
  •          Plan a treasure hunt
  •          Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 month 
  •          Take a multivitamin everyday for a week
  •          Get rocks for the backyard, finish cleaning both front and back yard
  •          Finish a 500 + piece jigsaw
  •          Finish Ryder’s albums!!!!!
  •          Continue to scan photo’s

             March 2012

·              Start scanning my entire printed photo's that have not been uploaded digitally.
·              Review my family history with my uncle and maybe take a trip to South Carolina for some history hunting.
·              Finish all of Ryder’s 1st year albums.
·              Set up auto pay for as many bill as possible
·              Finish decorating screened in porch
·              Clean the front and back yard

             February 2012
·               No Challenge Posted

             January 2012
December 2011
  •        Clean room upstairs and move my stuff to the bedroom creating a shabby chic space there.
  •       Clean out and update my favorites and documents on both my work and home computer.
  •        Enjoy Christmas :)
November  2011

·        Create a cubist design of some sort. I’m not sure what the subject will be but right now I’m thinking of using a wedding photo of my husband and I. I may also do a step by step account of my project so if anyone would like to follow along, this will give you a good idea of my process.
·         I was able to get the template ordered from the latch-hook kit I started a few months back and I plan to finish that for my son’s Christmas gift.

October 2011

·         Make a scarecrow with Ryan and Ryder
·         Clean dining room…get new curtains and rods
·         Clean screened-in porch (sew my foot stool cushion)
·         Clean yard and add some much needed plants (get rocks for backyard) look into fencing around swing set.
·         Finish Ryan and Ryder’s books ;)
·         Finish latch hook rug
·         Put out Halloween decorations and make Halloween cupcakes
·         Start new book and time for me each morning
·         Make my bed every day for 2 weeks while on vacation
·         Spend the day watching Twin Peaks both seasons and the movie. And watch October Sky

September 2011-09-01

·         Wake up 30 minutes early every workday
·         Start the push-up and sit-up challenge again and complete it this time.
·         Workout every day after work
·         Start and finish both of my new books: The Help by Kathryn Stockett and A Stolen Life: A Memoir by  Jaycee Dugard
·         Go through photos and consolidate them to one account, clean out old photos
·         Go through filing system
·         Get tattoo removed
·         Start an allowance for Ryan
·         Do at least 5 pictures for my 31 day photo challenge
·         Make some changes on my blog

August 201

       ·         Start “A Course in Miracles”
       ·         Work on Scrap pages
       ·         Upload photo’s with my new flash drive…or at least find out if I need  USB cord
       ·         Start the Body for Life / Transformation challenge (Started today!! And hope I really
           stick with it! It’s a great work-out plan and I think just maybe I’ll follow through this time!)
       ·         Try to get tickets to Saturday Night Live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, please let me win the
           lottery for these tickets!!!!! This is the only month to e-mail and request tickets!
       ·         Hang that dang on chandelier already! @!@!!
       ·         Do one or two things on my 101 things to do in 1001 days

      July 2011

·         Work on a list of attractions/places in Virginia that I want to see… my 101 places to see in Virginia before I die.
·         Start a journal for my work-out and work

      June 2011

·         Go the entire month without eating out at fast food restaurants
·         Take my lunch every day.

      May 2011

·         Take it all in...and to try and enjoy each minute I have without overwhelming myself
·         Work on my children’s book and complete it to include the illustrations
·         Finish up some spring cleaning and really, really hope to clean out my shed
·         Hang the light and painting in the hallway
·         Find my flash drive

       April 2011

·         Spring Clean the house inside and out (Would love to go through the shed as well).
·         I have been feeling an urge to start writing, nothing fancy; just a little something for myself. I may take this thought and start working on my children's book.
·         I also starting to work on a stuffed bunny for Mr. Ryder and I am just about finished. It's has been super easy and fast and hopefully I will finish him up this week.
·         Start the 31 day photo challenge today.
·         Last I found a really cute idea using ribbon for my lampshades on my chandelier

      March 2011

·         Work on my "To Our Children's Children" project using a tape recording (maybe the Flip??) I think it will be easier to complete and I think it will be cool to have a voice recording instead of writings.  
·         Finish the things I need for Ryan's Birthday
·         Work on his birthday wishes for Sprout and I sent them a few videos of Ryan dancing with the Wiggles. Hopefully they will play them so Ryan will have a big birthday surprise ;)
·         Get my sewing machine working and stitch some pages as well as start sorting pages by albums..........( I need to finish one page for the first page in Ryder's book! Maybe I can do that this week; it should only take an hour or so one night)
·         Start my Flower Garden

      February 2011
·         Read the next chapter of Gretchen's book, I hope to finish that tonight.
·         update my book bucket list
·         Get Ryan tickets to the Easter Egg Roll or at least know when to request them
·         Complete scrap pages of the photo's I've ordered
·         Do one of the projects from "52 projects".
·         Work on the next chapter of "The Creative Artist 

       January 2011
·         Bring to date my family’s personal files....such as Will, Living Will, Life Insurance, and Retirement (Savings). I'm also going to make a file/ folder to have for the unexpected. During this time I will look at what we have, what we need and how to go about making sure everyone is taken care of. I plan to review a different subject each week, so that by the end of the month I will have it all completed and updated.
§  Week 1- Will
§  Week 2- Living Will
§  Week 3- Life Insurance
§  Week 4- Retirement (Savings)
·         Clean out my upstairs closet and hopefully have the playroom bathroom sink and toilet replaced

      December 2010
·         Finish up my birthday challenge
·         Check the local nursery
·         finish that towel rug

       November 2010

·         Keep up with my friends and family birthdays and special occasions.
·         finish my towel rug
·         work on some landscaping in my front yard
·         start working on a bear I got for Mr. Ryder and I’m still trying to decided  if I’ll do a cross stitch or something else for the new guy.

      October 2010

·         Well this month came and went with no challenge… sorry folks :(

       September 2010

·         Gearing up for the new baby boy!!!!!!!!
·         Work on my husbands baseball album’s form when he was a kid
·         Go through coins
·         Go through all my craft/scrapbook supplies. I found some binders and paper protectors to organize my stickers and chipboard.

       August 2010

·         finish up my shabby chic room and hopefully start on the bathroom
·         work on a blanket for my girlfriend
·         go through all my books and trade / give away the ones I no longer want to keep.

       July  2010
·         start my Shabby Chic room
·         Sing in the morning
·         Acknowledge the reality of people’s feelings (Hey what about my feelings?)
·         Be a treasured house of happy memories
·         take time for projects

       June 2010
·         starting a new blog on
·         complete cleaning out my attics
·         get the baby’s room in order
·         finish both front porches and start on the back screen porch
·         finish going through Ryan’s clothes
·         finish up my scrap pages

      May 2010
·         Towel rug
·         Knot blanket

       April 2010
·         clean out the attics (yes I said attics)
·         do something creative for myself outside of scrapbooking
·         continue working on my photos from Feb. photo challenge
·         journal my favorite quotes from the book: If Ignorance Is Bliss, Why Aren't There More Happy People?: Smart Quotes for Dumb Times; John Lloyd (Author), John Mitchinson (Author)

       March 2010
·         continue my Photo Challenge
·         Do a small 20-30 page photo portfolio. I would like to make a nice “professional portfolio” so I have decided to take my photo’s to Kinko’s and have them make my book.
            If I can get my photo and camera challenged completed by March 20th, I will start my  
            next challenge, which will be to clean out my attic…Ugh ;)) I have also decided for this
            month to go through me and my sons books
·         spring cleaning most of my house

       February 2010
·         organize photos
·         organize all of my electronic/ digital photo files into folders and erased any duplicates
·         learn the ins and outs of my camera
·         Put all my photos in organized stacks according to event or like themes.
·         Scrap as many pages as I can.
·         My plan of attack is: if the photo is digital I will make a file folder and print the ones I want to scrap. The “hard” print photos, my plan is to scan them and add additional folders. Once a Scrapbook is completed, I will copy all of the files with the coordinating photos. This CD will be the Master Photo file for that particular photo book, which will be scrapped into the last page of the album. Last, as I upload the photos to a CD or thumb drive I will delete the old computer files, clearing up space on my computer

        January 2010
·         Clean out my home files (to included computer files)
·         Clean out my work files (to included computer files)

       December 2009
·         Start a Blog

·              Start my Esty Shop.