Monday, June 20, 2011

100 things that make me happy kids
7.creating art
8.driving with the window down
9.a freshly made bed
11.tickling toddlers
12.really good pens
13.the cute things kid’s say
14.crab legs
15.laughing so hard it hurts
16.accomplishing something – checking something off my list
17.grilled cheese sandwiches
19.the beach
20.looking up at the stars
23.anticipating Christmas
25.New Year’s
26.finding the perfect shade of lip stick
27.running/ well jogging right now ;)
28.spending time with my family
29.when all my bills are paid
30.a lightning storm
32.a fresh clean smell
33.finding money in an jacket in the back closet
34.hearing a song that reminds me of a moment
35.finding exactly what you’re looking for at garage sales
37.taking shoes off at the end of the day
38.yard work, the smell of fresh cut grass
39.pumpkin pie
40.a clean house
41.candlelight, candles burning
42.having friendships that have lasted over 25 years
45.finding something I thought I lost
46.being treated like a lady
47.writing lists
48.going to a play season, and when my team wins
50.listening to my old records
51.being appreciated
52.having a second chance to right my wrongs
53.organizing stuff
55.hugs from my kids when I walk in the door
56.the feeling after a good workout
57.going down a rollercoaster with your hands in the air
58.finding a great pair of jeans
59.hand-made cards and gifts
60.getting soaked in the summer rain
61.sifting through old books and music episodes of Dexter episodes of Criminal Minds episodes of Survivor
65.taking a bubble bath
66.scrap booking
67.getting my hair cut
69.waking up in the middle of the night and realizing I have hours to sleep
71.a much needed night out with friends
72.genuine people
73.working on a project heirlooms
75.getting off from work and feeling like it’s a new day afterwards
76.going to coin shows
77.when a song come on that I love and know all the words to
78.saving money
79.holding my baby boy to sleep
80.listening to my kids laugh
81.when someone really shows they care about me
82.being around people who are not negative
83.getting a good night’s rest
84.helping people
85.when people hold the door for me (good manners)
86.going to church
87.talking with friends who really “know me” inside and out
88.waking up before anyone else, make coffee and enjoy me time
89.going to the cemetery to change out the flowers and flags each session, putting flowers on graves without any
90.going to craft shows and swaps
91.planning birthday parties for my kids
92.clean clothes
93.unexpected nice gestures
94.when my husband does nice things for me, just because
96.getting a new calendar at the new year
97.buying new art supplies or stationary, and feeling oh so organized for a few hours
98.vintage findings
99.finding pictures I didn’t know existed
100.sitting in front of a fire/ having a fire going in the fireplace

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