Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week 2, day 9… of my 8 hours of sleep for 2 weeks, challenge ;)

The 1st week was pretty successful if I do say so myself, as for the weekend it’s hard to really say, I slept later in the mornings than I usually do during the work days (who doesn’t) but I think overall I’ve done well with my challenge. Last night I went to bed later; I really didn’t have much of a choice…I finally got the boys to bed by 10:00pm, which only gave me 7 hours of sleep. The rest of the week it shouldn’t be too hard to get my butt in bed by 9:00pm. After this week is over I hope to start a second challenge and see if I can wake up by 4:00am each morning that I have to work and get my work-out in before instead of trying to do it after work. I do like running the trails though so this may be something I go back and forth with.
As for the rest of the week… here are some things I would like to get done:
- Go through my room upstairs and get some pages to work on July 4th
(I think I’m going to do Birthday photos)
- Find 3 photo’s for my 31 day photo challenge
- Laundry (does it ever end!!!!)
- Chandelier
- Put sinks on Craig’s list
- Do a post secret post card ;)
- Put book on flash drive
- Check out 2010 coins on-line
- Oh yeah don’t forget to do the Fourth of July Cupcakes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Tuesday all… now I’ve got to consider what my July challenge will be??? Oh yeah I want to show you guys my wildflower garden I worked on at the beginning of Spring… it didn’t turn out great but I have a few blooms!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Night 2 of my 8 hours of sleep for 2 weeks, challenge ;)

Night 2 went well for the most part… I tried to get in the bed by 9:00pm and just about accomplished it, until the baby decided he wanted some loving. I guess it’s my fault, he fell asleep early and I took advantage of the quite time. I was able to get him back to sleep by 9:30 but I fell asleep in the chair and woke up around 11:30 and went to my bed. I’m going to count it as a successful night ;) 2 down 12 to gooooooo………..
I’ve come to realize a few things in the last few days (sadly I didn’t learn these things sooner):
-I have a way of thinking that if I didn’t complete a goal or task the way I thought I should, I try and start over the next day… Sometime’s the reality of it is that I’m just not able to do that particular undertaking and move on!!!
-You really stop caring about what others think as you get older… COOL ;)
-You can’t make someone else love you or treat you a certain way… it’s up to you to make yourself happy, and an unhappy life is not the life I want to live.
Happy Wednesday everyone!!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

100 things that make me happy

1.my kids
7.creating art
8.driving with the window down
9.a freshly made bed
11.tickling toddlers
12.really good pens
13.the cute things kid’s say
14.crab legs
15.laughing so hard it hurts
16.accomplishing something – checking something off my list
17.grilled cheese sandwiches
19.the beach
20.looking up at the stars
23.anticipating Christmas
25.New Year’s
26.finding the perfect shade of lip stick
27.running/ well jogging right now ;)
28.spending time with my family
29.when all my bills are paid
30.a lightning storm
32.a fresh clean smell
33.finding money in an jacket in the back closet
34.hearing a song that reminds me of a moment
35.finding exactly what you’re looking for at garage sales
37.taking shoes off at the end of the day
38.yard work, the smell of fresh cut grass
39.pumpkin pie
40.a clean house
41.candlelight, candles burning
42.having friendships that have lasted over 25 years
45.finding something I thought I lost
46.being treated like a lady
47.writing lists
48.going to a play
49.football season, and when my team wins
50.listening to my old records
51.being appreciated
52.having a second chance to right my wrongs
53.organizing stuff
55.hugs from my kids when I walk in the door
56.the feeling after a good workout
57.going down a rollercoaster with your hands in the air
58.finding a great pair of jeans
59.hand-made cards and gifts
60.getting soaked in the summer rain
61.sifting through old books and music
62.new episodes of Dexter
63.new episodes of Criminal Minds
64.new episodes of Survivor
65.taking a bubble bath
66.scrap booking
67.getting my hair cut
69.waking up in the middle of the night and realizing I have hours to sleep
71.a much needed night out with friends
72.genuine people
73.working on a project
74.family heirlooms
75.getting off from work and feeling like it’s a new day afterwards
76.going to coin shows
77.when a song come on that I love and know all the words to
78.saving money
79.holding my baby boy to sleep
80.listening to my kids laugh
81.when someone really shows they care about me
82.being around people who are not negative
83.getting a good night’s rest
84.helping people
85.when people hold the door for me (good manners)
86.going to church
87.talking with friends who really “know me” inside and out
88.waking up before anyone else, make coffee and enjoy me time
89.going to the cemetery to change out the flowers and flags each session, putting flowers on graves without any
90.going to craft shows and swaps
91.planning birthday parties for my kids
92.clean clothes
93.unexpected nice gestures
94.when my husband does nice things for me, just because
96.getting a new calendar at the new year
97.buying new art supplies or stationary, and feeling oh so organized for a few hours
98.vintage findings
99.finding pictures I didn’t know existed
100.sitting in front of a fire/ having a fire going in the fireplace

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Favorite 50 (plus 12 more) movies of all time (in alphabetical order)

Another list I've completed for my 101 things to do in 1001 day ;)

1.A Beautiful Mind
2.A Christmas Story
3.A Few Good Men
4.A River Runs Through It
5.American Beauty
8.Black Hawk Down
10.Catch Me if You Can
11.Chronicles of Narnia
13.Donnie Darko
14.Double Jeopardy
15.Edward Scissorhands
16.Falling Down
18.Final Destination
19.Finding Nemo
21.Fried Green Tomatoes
22.From Dusk till Dawn
23.Full Metal Jacket
25.Gone With the Wind
27.Gran Torino
29.Interview with a Vampire
30.It’s a Wonderful Life
31.Kiss the Girls
32.Little Miss Sunshine
33.Marley & Me
34.Meet Joe Black
36.Monsters Inc.
37.Natural Born Killers
38.Officer and Gentleman
39.One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
41.Raising Arizona
42.Rocky Horror Picture Show
46.Slumdog Millionaire
47.Some Like it Hot
48.Stand by Me
49.The Breakfast Club
50.The Client
51.The Firm
52.The General’s Daughter
53.The Green Mile
54.The Notebook
55.The Shawshank Redemption
56.The Ten Commandments
57.The Wedding Singer
58.Thelma and Louise
59.Top Gun
60.Toy Story
62.Urban Cowboy

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

50 Questions that will free your mind...part of my 101 things to do in 1001 days

1.How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

Well if I didn’t know how old I was, I wouldn’t know how old I would want to be, because I wouldn’t know any different between the ages…but seeing that I know how old I am, I think I would like to be 30, old enough to know better and young enough to still have fun.

2.Which is worse, failing or never trying?

Easy… Never trying

3.If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

I guess that depends, I think I do many of the things I like… any many of the things I don’t like to do help me to do the things I like to do…like work. Overall we are human and I think it’s our nature to fall and find ourselves doing things we wish we didn’t do or that we say we don’t like to do…the important thing is to learn from those mistakes and move forward, enjoying the things we like to do...

4.When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

Yeah I talk a lot and I like to journal…but I hope by journaling I will see the things I want to do and have a good balance between both saying more and doing more.

5.What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

I would end all violence

6.If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

There are lots of things that make me happy, so I couldn’t pin point one type of work. I guess I would start with art, working as an artist maybe. I would also like to work with children in some type of crime prevention capacity and incorporate art. I suppose I really would love to work with children and involve art, however it may be.

7.Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

I am settling so that I can do the things I want to… and/ or believe in.

8.If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

I don’t believe I would have lived any differently, other than I would do some things different if I knew then what I know now (but who wouldn’t) I still try to live life to the fullest each day because tomorrow is never guaranteed… Maybe I would try to be healthier, and I would have traveled more when it was just me with no husband and kids and I would have waited to get married and spent more time finding me.

9.To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?

I have learned to forgive

10.Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

A bit of both…of course I want to do things right and if I do things right then I will in turn do the right things, right? Post by another blogger and I can’t agree more “I’d rather do the right things poorly than do the wrong things well.”

11.You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?

This has acutely happened to me, not this specific situation, but where a friend has talked about another friend of mine not knowing that I was good friends with that person. I just told them I didn’t agree with how they felt and their views of that person. I then went on to say the things I like about said friend, after I was done the conversation moved on and everyone knew they were pretty much barking up the wrong tree.

12.If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway." — Mother Teresa
….. And your only young once, don’t try and grow up too fast; you’ll regret it when you’re older if you don’t

13.Would you break the law to save a loved one?

Depends on what I’m saving them from and what law I would be breaking… but most likely, yes

14.Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

Dailey many many times…some of the most creative people are a bit insane

15.What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

I think I see things from all perspectives

16.How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

I think many of the things that make me happy make other’s happy as well, but overall we are all different, it’s not about them but my own happiness

17.What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?

Sky dive, I tell myself it’s money, kids and work but I guess you can do anything you really want to if you put your mind to it…so I suppose I need to start working on that one..I know I’m scared but not scared enough to never do it.

18.Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?

Yes, and one day I will let go… I know I will.

19.If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

Of course this will change as I change, but today if I had to move to a different state or country…I would move to some place like Rhode Island…Low crime, family oriented and the weather is favorable. (Well that’s what I hear anyway ;))

20.Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

No not normally, and no I don’t think it makes the elevator faster

21.Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

Well I wouldn’t want to be dumb but I wouldn’t want to be worried all the time either… so this is a tough one for me… If I had to choose I would be a joyful simpleton, that way maybe I would still be able to learn if given the chance.

22.Why are you, you?

Many reason’s; my childhood most certainly made me who I am today… but I also believe everyone is given the ability to transform, regardless of the past. We are independent of our own destiny and it’s our own choice on how we decide to let other’s or situation determine our future. Therefore I’m me the person I’m because I choose to be the way I’ am and not because of anyone else…even though I don’t always fell this way. I have to remind myself: I allow people to treat me the way they do so if I’m unhappy about that, it’s for me to change not them.

23.Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

Most of the time, I feel like I make a point to work at my relationships with my friends and I try not to take that relationship for granted. I’ve come realize that for me I need people in my life that I can trust with different things, someone I can go to who will listen to me…and many times those friends help me refocus, which I think everyone needs from time to time.

24.Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?

I would say losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you. If a good friend moved away, I would be sad that a move would change our friendship, but it would also be exciting and a chance for us to “make” time to get together verse just getting together from time to time. We could have girls weekends or just knowing if I wanted to travel somewhere I would have a good friend that I could call. With technology the way it is, it would be very easy to stay connected with my friend who moved. If I lost touch with a good friend who lives right near me, I would assume it would have been for a bad reason.

25.What are you most grateful for?

My children and my faith

26.Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

As much as this is not my way of thinking considering how much I like to document by either journaling, scrapbooking and video recording, I would much rather lose all of them then to not be able to make new memories

27.Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

Yes I believe it is, but I think it important for people to inquiry and to confront “their” truth’s everyday… I believe it makes you strong in many diverse ways.

28.Has your greatest fear ever come true?

Nope, and I hope it never ever does!!!

29.Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?

Okay 5 years ago would have been 2006 right??? I’m not telling what upset me but I would say YES it does still matter and it’s also helped me become the person I’ am today.

30.What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?

My happiest childhood memories are of Christmas’s with my family, my childhood was a bit of a rollercoaster and I remember Christmas just being a great time of year with family and friends and not a care in the world.

31.At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?


32.If not now, then when?

Soon I hope, but I still believe that all good things come to those who wait.

33.If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?

Nothing really, huh???

34.Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?

Luckily I have many times

35.Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

It’s not religion that cause wars, but the people of those religions. The old saying guns don’t kill people, people kill people. We need to change people first and the rest will fall into place. Of course we are human and of this world…so until this world changes or we are no longer of this world we will never be free from war regardless of the reasons we are fighting.

36.Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

Yeah I like to believe so… I know not everything is always black and white, but deep down people just know right from wrong, in my opinion.

37.If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?

Without hesitation!!!

38.Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

I’m a busy bee, so that’s easy for me - more work I actually enjoy doing

39.Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?

No, I try to look at each day as a new day.

40.When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?

It’s been awhile, I may have to look into that!

41.If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

I would have a party and invite everyone I could, but I would spend most of my time with my children

42.Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?


43.What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

Being alive is that...just going through the motions and not enjoying the journey…. Truly living life is taking advantage of the time you have and getting most out of it, it’s up to each person to decide what “truly living” means to them

44.When it is time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?

I believe you should for the most part consider the risks and rewards of your actions before just jumping in. However sometimes you do just have to jump-in without considering things when it’s right, so that you will just do it already and let the cookies fall where they may. Maybe someone will just throw me in so I don’t have to jump???? ;)

45.If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

I’m not necessarily afraid to make mistakes as much as I want to be able to do it right the first time. Everything has a learning curve, so I don’t think it’s so much about making mistakes as it is doing your best and learning to improve who you are. We learn from mistakes but we also learn for other things as well, so if I could do it right and learn something without making mistakes I would…really who wouldn’t right?

46.What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

I would not worry about body image

47.When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

When I last worked out and just now after reading this question

48.What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?

I love many things, but I deeply love my children. My actions for the most are an expressions of my love.

49.In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?

Maybe not the details but I’ll have a good idea of what was going on in my life.

50.Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?


Monday, June 13, 2011

100 Things I love about myself:

1.My Faith
2.I have a good sense of style
3.That I can decide that I need to forgive and actually do it
4.I am a hard worker, when I want to be
5.My thick unmanageable hair
6.I’m creative and an artist
7.I’m a memory maker
8.I love my kids too much (well you can never love then too much, can you?)
9.Questioning my own beliefs, thereby making them stronger
10.I’m tech savvy
11.When I really, really want something, I don’t wait around for it to come to me; I go and get it
12.I enjoy my own company
13.I’ve retained most of the values my grandparents instilled in me, even after going down my own path
14.My ability to take criticism and my commitment to ongoing self-reflection
15.My son’s love me to pieces and want to spend time with me
16.I stand up for what’s right, even if it might get me in trouble
17.I love life and I love the journey
18.I’m a possibility thinker
19.I remember who gifts are given by
20.I’m strong
21.I cannot fake my feelings
22.I take risks!
23.I’m opened minded, although I try to follow simple truths
24.I don’t mind admitting my faults, I’m aware of my faults, and I’m starting to learn to be kind to myself
25.I’m a great mom, even when I’m stretched to my limit!
26.I’m very patient
27.I enjoy the seasons
28.I feel like I know the secret to being happy (it’s on this list)
29.I still believe in fairytales
30.I love taking photographs
31.I am an independent thinker, culture rarely influences me
32.I believe in peace
33.I am more tolerant with age
34.I’m excited, most of the time
35.I am empathetic
36.I’m very organized
37.I’m passionate
38.I can work with anyone, ever if I don’t like them (it doesn’t affect my ability to get the job done and do it right)
39.That my nails grow out nice
40.I’m very good at using my time wisely
41.I don’t get bored with myself
42.I’m productive
43.That I want to learn something new every day
44.My work ethic
45.That I like working in the yard
46.As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized it’s not about everyone else, but my own path that really matters. People opinion’s of me rarely influence where I’m going in life
47.I’m polite; I hold the door for people and still say yes mam and sir
48.That I’m traditional…with a spark of flamboyance!
49.I still try to treat people the way I would like to be treated even when others don’t follow my philosophy
50.I don’t allow my past to define who I ‘am today
51.I have regrets, and for the most part I’m okay with that
52.I don’t judge people on other’s opinions … I like to decide for myself
53.Even though I have challenges with my language skills it doesn’t stop me from writing
54.I love animals
55.I put other’s before myself
56.I am NOT selfish
57.I am accountable for my actions
58.My ability to see both points of view… before making my decisions
59.I believe in individuality
60.Whenever my son asks for the last piece of something, I always give it to him even if I want it
61.Loyal to my true friends
62.I volunteer
63.Believe in equality for ALL
64.I can be gentle & strong at the same time
65.I have good intentions
66.I give blood when I can… my blood helps baby’s and people who are critically ill
67.I believe in miracles
68.See the glass as half full
69.That I care enough to always make myself better
70.I like “most” people…I don’t hate anyone
71.That I love the art’s
72.Look at each day as a fresh start
73.I learn lessons from others mistakes
74.I’m very good at getting a good deal or bargin
75.I make to-do list
76.Understand when to keep my mouth shut, for the most part anyway
77.I'm a Spiritual Being having a human experience
78.I can normally see the big picture and try not to sweat the small stuff
79.I know when to be serious
80.I can be frivolous…and run through the sprinkler’s with my kids
81.That people tell me I have really good skin
82.I’m beginning to understand what’s good for me
83.Understand that you only get one life… make every minute count
84.I can ask for help
85.I can bounce back from setbacks and learn from them
86.I can work on my car
87.I try to do things for myself before I throw my hands in the air and let someone else do it for me
88.I’m interested in “stuff”
89.When I read…I take the time to look up things that are in the books
90.I can find cheap/free things to do when I’m broke
91.That I don’t have to go out of my way to feel pretty
92.My son thinks I’m beautiful and cute!
93.I’m self-disciplined
94.I don’t miss work and hardly ever late to anything
95.I find ways to challenge myself
96.I don’t mind asking questions when I don’t understand things.
97.I’m happy for others and don’ t get upset when people who deserve things, get them
98.I give myself pep talks from time to time
99.I don’t litter
100.I have nice handwriting

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My 101 challenges in 1001 days (Start June 8th 2011- End’s March 5th 2014)

Just starting this today….it’s sort of one big “to do list” for the next 1001 days. I took some of the things from my bucket list and my 2011 New Year resolutions and then mixed in just some everyday things I want to get done. I also tried to come up with things I know I can do and don’t need a whole lot of money. Anyway I’m excited to get started!!!!!!

My 101 challenges in 1001 days (Start June 8th 2011- End’s March 5th 2014)

1. Use all body lotion, body wash, soap, shower gel, and body scrub before buying more
2. put $1,000 into savings
3. Get 8 hours of sleep every night for 2 weeks
4. Go for a picnic in a secluded spot
5. Read three books of the Bible
6. Dine out, just the 2 of us, once every 2 weeks for 2 months
7. Make homemade ice cream
8. Plan a treasure hunt
9. Find a new restaurant worthy of becoming a new favorite
10. Don't say anything negative for 1 day
11. Support a charity walk/run
12. fix master bedroom closet door
13. stay within holiday shopping budget for 2011, 2012 and 2013
14. Watch the sunset from the top of a mountain
15. Build a scarecrow
16. Complete all my craft projects before I buy any new ones (not including scrapping...sorry that just can’t me done)
17. Don't complain about anything for a week
18. Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
19. Tie a note to a balloon and let it go
20. Send a message in a bottle
21. Identify 100 things that make me happy
22. Buy something from Etsy
23. Make a list of my 50 favorite movies
24. Make a list of 25 things I like about myself
25. Become a bone marrow donor
26. Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet
27. Do the polar bear swim on New Year's Day
28. Take a photo of the same place every month for year and then turn it into a calendar for the next year
29. Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months
30. Plant a tree on Earth Day
31. Make some Fourth of July cupcakes
32. Make a wish at 11:11 on November 11, 2011
33. Watch a movie at a drive-in
34. Play classical music during meal preps
35. Make my bed every day for a week.
36. Put one piece of fine art in each room
37. Make and hang flower boxes
38. Visit a church on Wednesday night
39. Go camping at three state parks I've never visited each year.
40. Plant grass in the fall
41. Write a yearly letter
42. Take an adult ed class of some sort
43. Buy Christmas presents in advance.
44. Be able to run 3 miles without stopping
45. Make something for my best friend
46. Decorate half bath in the kitchen
47. Sort the mail when it comes in, instead of letting it accumulate into a huge pile first.
48. Take a multivitamin every day for a week.
49. Use those teeth whitening strips and finish pack
50. Have a spa day
51. Pay off 3 credit cards
52. Take kids to the Easter Egg Roll at the White House
53. Do all the lessons in "A Course in Miracles"
54. Paint a wall mural
55. Work on children’s book and Publishing
56. Go back to school and complete Early Childhood Development degree
57. Pull out “The Creative Artist” book and work on some new ideas.
58. Go white water rafting
59. Take kid’s to the beach once each summer
60. Run a ½ marathon
61. Visit a Renaissance fair
62. Make stained glass windows
63. Go to “Drive Through” Zoo
64. Finish baseball books
65. Finish back deck and get furnishings
66. Complete master bath in upstairs bedroom
67. Get rocks for back yard
68. Buy produce at farmers market 10 times
69. Finish baby books and older scrap books and photo books
70. Get new carpet and floor for living room and kitchen
71. Redo full bath downstairs
72. Get solar film for back windows and skylights
73. Get a safety cover
74. Spend the weekend without any phone or TV (Camping at home)
75. Upload video’s into on-line saving system
76. Go through old 8mm video’s and watch them outside during the summer
77. Start an allowance and chore list for Ryan
78. Have one day a month for each kid, just them and me!
79. Get my hair cut and colored without being concerned about money
80. Buy a pair of red flannel pajamas that you wear only on Christmas Eve.
81. Take a holiday photograph each year in the same spot, such as by a favorite tree in your yard. In years to come, you’ll have a wonderful record of the growth of your family, as well as the growth of the tree.
82. Before going to bed on Christmas Eve, read by candle light about the birth of Jesus in Luke, chapter 2.
83. Fill a basket with photo’s from past Christmases. Put it in a prominent spot.
84. Take a family portrait
85. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
86. Send a secret to Post Secret
87. Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home décor
88. Read a book in a day
89. Trace my family tree
90. Go to a Rocky Horror Picture Show showing at midnight
91. Finish a 500+ piece jigsaw
92. Go to at least one concert
93. Achieve my goal weight
94. Watch an entire season of a television show in a weekend
95. Try a new recipe every month for a year
96. Visit five local restaurants I've never been to
97. Sky Dive
98. Complete the 100 pushups challenge
99. Complete the 200 sit-up challenge
100. Attend a book reading
101. Make snow angels

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ready for Summertime!!!!

What a nice weekend!! I finally had a weekend off and it felt great! I got a chance to see my son’s t-ball team play and they are so cute. I was able to hit some yard sales, my husband got the pool open (sort of), and powered washed the concrete and fence, while I cleaned the inside and got just about everything in order…so overall it’s was a great time with the family and while we got A LOT done we actually had a chance to relax and enjoy each other’s company.
Of course I always have something else I could have completed so today I plan to finish cleaning the inside by tackling the boys room and bathroom and see if I can work on putting some clothes away. I have some bills to pay today and this week I hope to upload some scrap pages and take 8 month photos of Mr. Ryder. Other then that I still hope to work on my book by uploading it to a thumb drive so I can play around with it at work, find a photo for day 10 of the 31 photo challenge, and last I think I my start the Love Dare again???? ;)
I hope everyone has a great week and best of luck on your goals!
P.S. I really really really really HATE FROGS… they are all over our pool!!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 2011

So I’m taking a bit of a twist from my normal challenge’s and have decided for this month I would try to complete a goal that's not a task…This month have decided to see if I can go the entire month without eating out at any fast food restaurants and take my lunch every day and not eating in the cafeteria. I’ve still got a few things I would like complete this month and as the summer approaches I have a feeling we will be spending some time out and about enjoying the good old state of Virginia.

Hope you all have a wonderful June and I would love to hear form of you on the challenge you have for yourself this month ;)