Monday, May 2, 2011

May flowers??????

April showers bring May flowers??????…well I wish we had more showers in my neck of the woods, but either way I’m excited to welcome May. I have feeling this month is going to go by in a flash because I have to work the weekends. One of my challenges for this month is to take it all in...and to try and enjoy each minute I have without overwhelming myself (as many of you know I’m quite a busy bee so slowing down and actually relaxing is a big challenge for me).
For this Month my number 1 goal will be to work on my children’s book and complete it to include the illustrations. I’m not going to focus so much on the publishing aspect but really just completing the book and adding my new main squeeze Ryder.
I want to finish up some spring cleaning and really, really hope to clean out my shed…I have a feeling I can get it done this week. I want to hang the light and painting in the hallway and I really need to find my flash drive and should finish updating my files!!! I should get lots of scrapping done this month, so you will see a bunch of that and while I’m at it I hope to go through my photo books and get them organized … ;) Happy May and good luck with your goals for this month.

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