Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 9 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most/ Your most treasured item This one was easy for me because without my faith, I truly would not be the person I’ am today. It’s my faith that has allowed me to forgive and to know the true meaning to life. It has set me free and while I’ve still got much more to learn I know I’m a better person today because of the grace of God.
Here is a poem a friend and I wrote many years ago that I would like to share, I’m not sure why I remember it, but I do and I’m glad for that:
If I die tomorrow night at least I will not go with fright,
Because I know in heaven there is nothing but love,
I will not be floating in a cloud,
But praising my lord God aloud,
So I pray with you every hour,
That God will grant you holy power,
To walk in faith in his way,
All these thing I pray for,
And hope they all come true.

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