Monday, May 2, 2011

Here are my 2011 Resolutions in Review…..May 2, 2011

-Eat at the dining room table-still working on that

-Work on journal for the boys..."To Our Children's Children"-

-Save Money and Pay off Debt –working towards...opened an account for both boys and myself…also will have one subscription paid off on May 15th and that money will go towards my GE Money Debit starting June 15th

-Take Ryan to the Easter Egg Roll at the White House –we tried, we really tried..but we didn’t win tickets ;( We will try again next year.

-Complete 3 items on my Bucket List
Write a letter to my sons
Do all the lessons in "A Course in Miracles"
Paint a wall mural
Be a member of the audience in a TV show.

-Be more autonomous –think I’m doing a really good job with this and in a spiritual and mental way I feel really I’ve got to focus on my health and body.

-Finish Book Bucket List and read at least 4 books –completed the book bucket list and I’m on my second book for the year…sadly

-Work on Flower Garden- done, just need to watch them grow and hopefully turn out nice ;)

-Work on Children's Book and Publishing –May’s Challenge!!!!

-Pay it Forward- this is a daily process which I sometimes wish I had it posted right in front of me so I’m reminded of it.

-Pull out "The Creative Artist" and work on some new ideas.-worked on a few pages but would love to do more.

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