Tuesday, August 30, 2011

September’s challenge.......

I have a lot on my plate for September.  However, many of things I want to complete this month are things I can do on my down time or just personal “lifestyle” goals I hope to make habit… so with that said here are my “challenges” for September:
·        Wake up 30 minutes early every workday
·        Start the push-up and sit-up challenge again and complete it this time.
·        Workout every day after work
·        Start and finish both of my new books: The Help by Kathryn Stockett and A Stolen Life: A Memoir by  Jaycee Dugard
·        Go through photos and consolidate them to one account, clean out old photos
·        Go through filing system
·        Get tattoo removed
·        Start an allowance for Ryan
·        Do at least 5 pictures for my 31 day photo challenge
·        Make some changes on my blog

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