Monday, August 15, 2011

Halfway there… August in review.

I got some scrapping done!!  I’m so glad I finished many of Ryan’s 1st and 2nd year pages (who knew, I took so many photos!!!) I re-scrapped a few pages and I have 2 more to do…I also need to finish Christmas from last year and 2009??? I know I have a few more to get me “caught up” (if there’s such a thing) …and I’m counting August as a successful month with scrapping.
I started “A Course in Miracles” and right now I’m going to revisit day 4 from yesterday…gosh I’m mean sometimes!!! I think overall I’m going to enjoy this process!
Got my photo’s uploaded and still need to upload the beach photo’s… maybe get to that today or tonight ;))
I started Body for Life and lasted just ONE A DAY!!!!!! I have however started jogging at a local park and I love the feeling...It’s a great escape for me to clear my mind...and to help me “get over” some of my negative feelings (I’ve been a bit cynical lately!!!)…Well the outside helps for a little while anyway. I anticipate between running and working on my Lesson’s in “A Course in Miracles”, I’ll be on the path I wish to be... well at least in the right direction.
I sent a request for the Saturday Night Live tickets, through e-mail (I’m not sure I did it right...but I followed the directions I found!) so I guess I’ll find out something soon either way.
As for my 1 or 2 things on my 101 things to do in 1001 days… I’m sending out my post secret today!!!  ;))). We took the kiddos to the beach this year, and I’m working on redecorating my half bath in the I’m chalking that up as a success!!
And last but not least…is that dang on chandelier…well I’ve got it all ready to hang...but I was hoping my husband would install it…well yeah that’s not looking to good, so maybe just maybe I’ll try and do it myself before the end of the month….Only time will tell!
Overall I think I’m having a pretty good month, minus a few things here and there…I’ll keep working on THOSE ISSUES!!!
I’m looking forward to September- its Ryder’s 1st birthday!!!!! I also have 2 things I’m going to focus on...1st getting a tattoo removed and 2nd a personal health issue of mine!
Happy Monday Yawl ;)))))

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