Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August in review…….

I’m pretty happy with August…I’ve gotten many things checked off my list this month. Like always I have a few things I would have liked to work on but... ’m stoked with the many things I started and completed this month!!!!
While I still haven’t heard from Saturday Night live on whether I’ll be receiving tickets to a taping of a show, I did send the e-mail to request a chance for the lottery. So I guess I’ll have to wait and see if I hear something.
As most of you know I started “A Course in Miracles”. Today I’m on day 8 ;) and while I was hoping to be a bit further… I’m glad I started. The biggest challenge for me with this is just really taking the time to “take-in” each lesson and not just going through the motions.
I’m giving up on the chandelier for now…I’ve gotten as far as I can with that, and I’ve completed 2 items on my 101 things to do in 1001 days!!! Now off to start September’s plan of attack…Happy Tuesday!!

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