Monday, August 15, 2011

I live beside Dennis the Menace

Okay accordingly the kid next door (yes the same kid who is grounded for the rest of the year from playing with mine because he cut his hair, the one who cut down a small tree in my back yard and the one; for some GOD forsaken reason my husband gave permission to shot the woodpecker with a BB Gun (really, I mean really, what the heck are you thinking half the time!!)if he sees them and now he’s killing off all the birds in neighborhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!) keeps leaving his basketball’s and football’s in my front yard. I don’t really understand… I mean does he just stop playing when the ball comes in my yard???? Is he just too lazy to come and get the ball???? Is it that he’s a boy…and we all know as a girl “I just don’t get it” or is there something wrong with him or me?? I’ve been told I can be a bit uptight (who me???). But really how hard is for this kid to come over and pick up his basketball/football and take it to his yard. I’ve said things over and over to him and now it’s really getting on my nerves…I’m at the point where I want to take the balls and throw them in the trash!!!!! Maybe he’ll get the idea?....  So my question is, do I throw the balls away or just get over the fact that I live beside Dennis the Menace????Maybe it’s time to invest into a small fence.

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