Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September wrap-up... gearing up for October

3 more works days until I have some well need time off from my “job”, which means I’ll most likely be busier than ever!! I’m not so good at relaxing, so my number one goal for my time off it to rent the entire 1st and 2nd season of Twin Peaks as well as the movie and watch them in a day or so…without cleaning anything that doesn’t need to be cleaned…i.e. baby bottles and sheets…dishes that sort of thing.
I’m also going to try to read my new book in one day...and take the afternoon strolling through the bookstore! ;) I’ll have to do this while Ryan’s at school if I plan on making it a relaxing experience.
I’m happy to report that my kitchen has been fall cleaned and I hope to start working on my dining room, screened in porch and the outside during the month of October. I plan on finishing up my Ryan’s scrapbook this week and I plan to start working on my file today.
Things to do today:
·         Get my husband to add the chemicals to the pool so we can cover it
·         Plant rose bush
·         Work on files
·         Go on-line for reimbursement (try again today!!)
·         Ryan’s soccer practice ;)

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