Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September in review:

Tuesday September 13, 2011, I’m almost half way through this month and overall I’m happy with my challenge… sort of!!! I started the “A Course in Miracles” and to say the least, my efforts are fading. I guess I was hoping to get inspired in some new way and I really didn’t, so with that said I’ve decided end this challenge!
I’m still trying to get out of bed early on the days I have to work and so far I’m 50/50 ;) My goal is to make getting up at 4:45 am a habit so it will just be another thing I do on work days. I have done really well with getting things together the night before so I’m not rushing around in the morning, and I’m happy about that!!!
Ryder’s birthday party is coming together and at this point it’s just waiting for the big day and have everything fall into place!
I’m still working on my push-up and sit up challenge… its going but I need to make a few “adjustments” so it works best for me!!!
I was doing so well with working out each day after work until…. MRS.  IRENE came into my life…but today’s a new day and I plan on going today!!
I finished one book …A Stolen Life a Memoir by Jaycee Dugard, which was a really sad but inspiring book, I’m staring The Help in a few more days!!
I should finish up my photos this week…I’ve consolidated them all in Snapfish so I’ve just need to order a few photos and make CD’s for the boy’s albums!
I still need to get the cream for my tattoo!!! Need to do that!
Hope to start on my files next week and last I need to do 2 or 3 more photos for my 31 day photo challenge, maybe I’ll get to that today!
Well happy Tuesday all!!!!!!

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