Friday, September 23, 2011

A lesson for my sons

A young man came out of a store one day to find a boy admiring his brand-new car. The boy, a teenager walked around it several times admiring the car’s lines. He looked up and saw the young man.
“This your car?” the boy asked.
The boy let out a low whistle as he ran an admiring hand across the surface.
“My brother gave it to me,” the young man said.
The boy looked up astonished. “He gave it to you?” he cried. “You didn’t have to pay for it or nothing?”
“Didn’t cost me a cent,” the young man said.
“Wow,” said the boy, more amazed than ever.
The young man grinned. This wasn’t the first time he’d had this conversation about the car. Anticipating what was to come, he said, “Bet you wish you had a brother like that, huh?”
The boy looked up at him, sober-faced. He said “Naw. I wish I could be a brother like that.”
****Excerpt from Postmarked Heaven by Jack Cavanaugh

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