Friday, September 23, 2011

October’s Challenge: A quick recap

I got a lot done in September and I’ve still got one more week so I think I finish up most of my goals…still need to work on working out after work and getting up a bit I’ll try that challenge again in October.
I want to clean and “update” my dining room and screened in porch, and I hope to start working on planting some new plants (azaleas, couple dogwood trees, hydrangea, forsythia, and last some more knockout roses, and blubs) and clean the yard up a bit, in the next few weeks…
I also plan to make my bed every day for the next 2 weeks-starting tomorrow and through-out my vacation time, as well as make a scarecrow and finish putting Halloween decorations up for the kiddo’s…Happy FALL everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend oh and yeah… GO COWBOYS ;)))))

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