Friday, September 23, 2011

A lesson for my sons

A young man came out of a store one day to find a boy admiring his brand-new car. The boy, a teenager walked around it several times admiring the car’s lines. He looked up and saw the young man.
“This your car?” the boy asked.
The boy let out a low whistle as he ran an admiring hand across the surface.
“My brother gave it to me,” the young man said.
The boy looked up astonished. “He gave it to you?” he cried. “You didn’t have to pay for it or nothing?”
“Didn’t cost me a cent,” the young man said.
“Wow,” said the boy, more amazed than ever.
The young man grinned. This wasn’t the first time he’d had this conversation about the car. Anticipating what was to come, he said, “Bet you wish you had a brother like that, huh?”
The boy looked up at him, sober-faced. He said “Naw. I wish I could be a brother like that.”
****Excerpt from Postmarked Heaven by Jack Cavanaugh

October’s Challenge: A quick recap

I got a lot done in September and I’ve still got one more week so I think I finish up most of my goals…still need to work on working out after work and getting up a bit I’ll try that challenge again in October.
I want to clean and “update” my dining room and screened in porch, and I hope to start working on planting some new plants (azaleas, couple dogwood trees, hydrangea, forsythia, and last some more knockout roses, and blubs) and clean the yard up a bit, in the next few weeks…
I also plan to make my bed every day for the next 2 weeks-starting tomorrow and through-out my vacation time, as well as make a scarecrow and finish putting Halloween decorations up for the kiddo’s…Happy FALL everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend oh and yeah… GO COWBOYS ;)))))

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently/ Are you named after anyone?

I love to read and about a year ago and friend from work suggested this book to me. Another friend of mine decided to read it together so we could chat about it. At the time I was reading two other books so I decided to get the book on tape and I have to say.... This book really changed how I view things of this world... I've decided to listen to it again just before the holidays

September wrap-up... gearing up for October

3 more works days until I have some well need time off from my “job”, which means I’ll most likely be busier than ever!! I’m not so good at relaxing, so my number one goal for my time off it to rent the entire 1st and 2nd season of Twin Peaks as well as the movie and watch them in a day or so…without cleaning anything that doesn’t need to be cleaned…i.e. baby bottles and sheets…dishes that sort of thing.
I’m also going to try to read my new book in one day...and take the afternoon strolling through the bookstore! ;) I’ll have to do this while Ryan’s at school if I plan on making it a relaxing experience.
I’m happy to report that my kitchen has been fall cleaned and I hope to start working on my dining room, screened in porch and the outside during the month of October. I plan on finishing up my Ryan’s scrapbook this week and I plan to start working on my file today.
Things to do today:
·         Get my husband to add the chemicals to the pool so we can cover it
·         Plant rose bush
·         Work on files
·         Go on-line for reimbursement (try again today!!)
·         Ryan’s soccer practice ;)

How to make a scarecrow

I'm working on my fall decorations and one of my 101 things to do in a 1001 days is to build a I thought this would be a perfect time to cross that off my list!
I found this great video on you tube and wanted to share, the only change I'll make is adding some straw to the feet and hands ;)) ENJOY

Friday, September 16, 2011

Reasons I love the fall

Starbucks Pumpkin Spice lattes
Autumn Wreath Yankee candles
Cool nights
Wearing my hoodie’s
Halloween…decorations, kids on the street, spookiness
Thanksgiving….. Family, friends, food, gratitude
Back to school
New season premiers
Ryder’s Birthday
My Birthday!
The leaves changing bright and beautiful!!
Using the fireplace!
Gearing up for Christmas!
Sunday football
Ryan’s soccer games
Daylight savings
I’m sure there’s a bunch more reasons!!! But I’ll start with these!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

31 day photo challenge, day 16

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you/ Your least favorite chore

LAUNDRY!!!! I think that says enough!!

31 day photo challenge, day 15

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die/ Something that bugs you
 Okay so most of you know it drives me nuts that the boy next door does not come over to retrieve his basketball when it rolls into my yard!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September in review:

Tuesday September 13, 2011, I’m almost half way through this month and overall I’m happy with my challenge… sort of!!! I started the “A Course in Miracles” and to say the least, my efforts are fading. I guess I was hoping to get inspired in some new way and I really didn’t, so with that said I’ve decided end this challenge!
I’m still trying to get out of bed early on the days I have to work and so far I’m 50/50 ;) My goal is to make getting up at 4:45 am a habit so it will just be another thing I do on work days. I have done really well with getting things together the night before so I’m not rushing around in the morning, and I’m happy about that!!!
Ryder’s birthday party is coming together and at this point it’s just waiting for the big day and have everything fall into place!
I’m still working on my push-up and sit up challenge… its going but I need to make a few “adjustments” so it works best for me!!!
I was doing so well with working out each day after work until…. MRS.  IRENE came into my life…but today’s a new day and I plan on going today!!
I finished one book …A Stolen Life a Memoir by Jaycee Dugard, which was a really sad but inspiring book, I’m staring The Help in a few more days!!
I should finish up my photos this week…I’ve consolidated them all in Snapfish so I’ve just need to order a few photos and make CD’s for the boy’s albums!
I still need to get the cream for my tattoo!!! Need to do that!
Hope to start on my files next week and last I need to do 2 or 3 more photos for my 31 day photo challenge, maybe I’ll get to that today!
Well happy Tuesday all!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 1 of my September Challenge: Wake up 30 min. early on workdays

Okay so started my September challenge to get up and out of bed 30 minutes early on my workdays… while I’ve still got a ways to go (teaching an old dog new tricks as they say!!!!) I’m happy to report I was only 7 minutes late this morning. Not to work or anything but from meeting my goal!! Either way I’ll have a chance to try again tomorrow…well I sure hope so anyway…Happy Tuesday that feels like Monday.

ACIM lesson 10

I’m only on lesson 10 and I’m not feeling the course much, but I’m sticking to it for now… Here is lesson 10…

Lesson 10
My thoughts do not mean anything.
This idea applies to all the thoughts of which you are aware, or become aware in the practice periods. The reason the idea is applicable to all of them is that they are not your real thoughts. We have made this distinction before, and will do so again. You have no basis for comparison as yet. When you do, you will have no doubt that what you once believed were your thoughts did not mean anything.
This is the second time we have used this kind of idea. The form is only slightly different. This time the idea is introduced with "My thoughts" instead of "These thoughts," and no link is made overtly with the things around you. The emphasis is now on the lack of reality of what you think you think.
This aspect of the correction process began with the idea that the thoughts of which you are aware are meaningless, outside rather than within; and then stressed their past rather than their present status. Now we are emphasizing that the presence of these "thoughts" means that you are not thinking. This is merely another way of repeating our earlier statement that your mind is really a blank. To recognize this is to recognize nothingness when you think you see it. As such, it is the prerequisite for vision.
Close your eyes for these exercises, and introduce them by repeating the idea for today quite slowly to yourself. Then add:
This idea will help to release me from all that I now believe.
The exercises consist, as before, in searching your mind for all the thoughts that are available to you, without selection or judgment. Try to avoid classification of any kind. In fact, if you find it helpful to do so, you might imagine that you are watching an oddly assorted procession going by, which has little if any personal meaning to you. As each one crosses your mind, say:
My thought about ___ does not mean anything.
My thought about ___ does not mean anything.
Today's thought can obviously serve for any thought that distresses you at any time. In addition, five practice periods are recommended, each involving no more than a minute or so of mind searching. It is not recommended that this time period be extended, and it should be reduced to half a minute or less if you experience discomfort. Remember, however, to repeat the idea slowly before applying it specifically, and also to add:
This idea will help to release me from all that I now believe.

Day 14... One thing you want to do before you die

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without/ One thing you want to do before you die
Geez… these are all hard ;))) just one photo of someone you could never imagine your life without/ One thing you want to do before you die…Okay so I’m going to pick something I want to do before I die………  SKYDIVE