Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July’s Monthly Challenge…Gearing up for Augusts Saturday Night Live Tickets Lottery!

Considering it’s already July 12 and I haven’t posted a challenge this month, I’m guessing I won’t have much time to work on just one thing. I have military duty the last 2 weeks of the month and will be away from my computer and my family. I have however decided to work on a list of attractions/places in Virginia that I want to see… my 101 places to see in Virginia before I die. Also I hope to complete 2 things this month…start a journal for my work-out and work. So nothing super exciting but with my limited time, I think I can handle this little bit. Also I want to remind everyone that August is the month to request Saturday Night live tickets, so I’ll be posting a link on how to get them very soon;))

Stay cool and enjoy your summer!!!!!

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