Saturday, March 3, 2012

March's Challenge!!!

1st I'm so sorry I left everyone hanging in Feb....I'm not sure what the heck happened. For those who have been following me since I started this blog, you might remember that I started a photo challenge back in Feb. 2009. My main goal was to organize all my photo's and scrap as many as possible....well here it is 2 plus years later and I've finally finished downloading and organizing all my digital photo's, Ryan's 1st year album and baby book, and scrapping until my eyes were burning!!!.... So, now onto my printed photo's. One of my first challenges for this month is to start scanning all my printed photo's that have not been uploaded digitally. Next I want to review my family history with my uncle and maybe, just maybe take a trip to South Carolina for some history hunting?? As far as photo's go, my last goal is to finish all of Ryder's 1st year albums.
My other challenges will be:
-set up auto pay for as many bills as possible.
-finish decorating screened in porch.
-clean the front and back yard
-And, start my Esty Shop!!!!!
Best of luck to you all, and I hope you have a wonderful month!

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