Friday, April 27, 2012

Mays Challenge :)

Welcome May flowers!! :)… I love this time of year! I’m excited to start working on many of the goals I have for May, so I've decided to post a few days early. I’m hoping to get just a few more projects completed from April, and as always some of my projects will carry over to the next month.
For May I have all sort of crafts I want to try out: Here are just a few:
DIY Glass straw cups

Giant Outside Chalkboard

As for my goals for May…Here are some things I would like to continue to work-on or complete.
-         Continue to upload and scan photos.
-         Work on finishing up Ryder’s 1st year Scrapbook
-         Finish Cleaning the backyard
-         Get all the knockout roses planted
-         Read a book in a day.
-         Start sorting through my yard sale stuff and decided what I’m going to do with it all.
-         Organize my bedroom closet
-         Finally get new curtains for the dining room!
-         Do the May photo a day challenge
-         Make or buy window boxes for the front yard!

Best of luck to the rest of you all. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a successful month!

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to root a knock out rose

I found this wonderful video on youtube, looks super easy and I can't wait to try it!!

Please let me know if you try this and how your results are... I'm going to start rooting some today or tomorrow! :)

Here is another video and in this one the guys mentions using a "dome" to help increase the chances that the steam will not dry out!!


A recap of my goals for April

I’am really happy with all I accomplished in April. We planned a treasure hunt for Easter morning and made a really fun map, marking the spots to find the “riches” for Mr. Ryan. The Easter Bunny even brought Ryan a Backyard Safari Vest with all sorts of gadgets to find cool stuff in the yard, which he used to locate all is eggs!! It was a blast for him.
I was able to get a lot done in the front yard and I’m happy with how everything is coming together…I hope by the end of May I will have the driveway lined with Knockout Roses...and maybe be able to buy one or two Hydrangea’s (I’m still trying to decided if I want white or blue…but right now I’m thinking I’ll go with blue.)
I started My Day in Six Words journal…and so far I’m doing a really good job keeping up with it. Not sure if I’ll make it 6 months, but so far so good!!
I started taking a multivitamin on Saturday April 21st, 2012 and hopefully I’ll make it the entire week without forgetting. I’m hoping to make it a habit (I think the experts say, it takes about 21 days to make something a habit… so we will see) for now…. baby steps!! :)
I haven’t cleaned the backyard yet, but I spent one night burning a bunch of twigs and cleaning up some of the yard… my plan is to work on the back yard tomorrow, even if it just a small corner or a flower bed.
I never got around to working on a jigsaw puzzle and honesty I really don’t think I’ll get around to it any time soon, so I’m going to put that back on my “to do “ list.
Last and certainly not least is scanning photos and finishing Ryder’s albums. I did get about 150 photos scanned and I consider that a success. As for Ryder’s books…well I didn’t do as much as I had hoped, but I did finish up his big brother book for know and updated his “baby’ book. The only thing I wished I had worked more on is his scrapbook. Luckily I have one more weekend of working before the month ends and I think I can put a big dent in getting it done!
So that’s about it… I got lots of new Pinterest finds completed and hope to have lot’s more fun with that!!!
So there it is… Happy Monday all, I hope you’ve been successful in your goals for this month…
I’m looking forward to wrapping up my April “to do” list and moving into May!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hopping Down the BUNNY Trail… Easter 2012

Welcome Back after the Hoilday Weekend. Easter this year was a bunch of fun at your house… I think because I had to work the weekend; I was motivated to do more crafts and other fun activities for the Holiday and during the week before Easter.
We made Easter cupcakes, which later become a big hit with the local ants, an Easter tree using sticks from the yard and spray paint. Which Ryan and I painted a light blue and hung some cute vintage paper eggs I found last year. (I think I’ll try and find more trinkets for the tree next year). And last we colored and decorated Easter eggs.
I had some other things I was hoping to do, but I just never got around to it.
One of the big hits for the boys was the Bunny footprints I did the night before. I wasn’t there in the morning to see everyone’s reaction…but from what I was told, my boys loved it and my husband was left cleaning up LOTS of baby power :)……
Here’s a few before

and after

I think it’s super cute that they had so much fun with everything.
The last thing I did was an Egg Treasure Map for Ryan. It was really simple and he had a blast using his new backyard adventures gear to find all the treasure eggs….
Here he is showing off his map:

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter…we did ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

More crafts using Pinterest

Here is the frame I did last week, using an old frame, some photo tacks, picture hanging wire and binders clips. I love how it came out and I think the combo of the binder clips and black and white photos look great together. I used a gloss brown spray paint first and then did a quick spray using black. :) Happy Pinning!!!