Friday, December 2, 2011

A Year in Review 2011

So here is what I did:
Clean screened-in porch (sew my foot stool cushion)
Clean yard and add some much needed plants      
Finish Ryan books ;)
Put out Halloween decorations and make Halloween cupcakes
Spend the day watching Twin Peaks    
Workout every day after work
Read A Stolen Life: A Memoir by  Jaycee Dugard

Go through photos and consolidate them to one account, clean out old photos

Go through filing system

Do at least 5 pictures for my 31 day photo challenge

Make some changes on my blog
Start “A Course in Miracles”

Work on scrap pages

Upload photo’s with my new flash drive…or at least find out if I need  USB cord
Start the Body for Life / Transformation challenge (Started today!! And hope I really stick with it! It’s a great work-out plan and I think just maybe I’ll follow through this time!)

      Try to get tickets to Saturday Night Live!

      Do one or two things on my 101 and things to do in 1001 days.

Work on a list of attractions/places in Virginia that I want to see… my 101 places to see in Virginia before I die

Work on my children’s book

Finish up some spring cleaning and really clean out my shed

Find my flash drive

Start writing, nothing fancy; just a little something for myself.

Work on a stuffed bunny for Mr. Ryder

Start the 31 day photo challenge today.

Finish the things I need for Ryan's Birthday

Work on Ryan’s birthday wishes for Sprout and send them a few videos of Ryan dancing with the Wiggles.

Start my Flower Garden

Update my book bucket list

Do one of the projects from "52 projects".

Work on the next chapter of "The Creative Artist

Bring to date my family’s personal files....such as Will, Living Will, Life Insurance, and Retirement (Savings). Make a file/ folder to have for the unexpected.

And here is what I would like to complete in 2012:
Make a scarecrow with Ryan and Ryder
get new curtains and rods for the dining room
get rocks for backyard, look into fencing around swing set.
Finish Ryder’s books
Start new book and time for me each morning
Make my bed every day for 2 weeks while on vacation
Wake up 30 minutes early every workday
Start the push-up and sit-up challenge again and complete it this time.

Finish The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Get tattoo removed

Hang that dang on chandelier already!
Start a journal work

Go the entire month without eating out at fast food restaurants

Take my lunch every day.

Get my sewing machine working and stitch some pages as well as start sorting pages by albums

Restart my Flower Garden

Get Ryan tickets to the Easter Egg Roll

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