Saturday, September 7, 2013

Pop Art Painting

Here is the orginal photo and below is the photo cartooned  

This was created on
It was really easy to use. Just upload your pitcure and they do the rest! :)

Here I just took the copy of the cartooned picture and blew it up to the size I wanted to trace onto the canvas. I did 200x’s on the copier and used some tracing paper to copy the image on the canvas. The pictures on the right side are the photo and the cartooned picture to use as a guide when I start painting

and here is the ROUGH  draft of the image traced and drawn. I think I may change the size of the title RYDER and make it larger (any thoughts??)
So that's where I'am at right now...I did get some pianting done the other day and hope to do some more this Sunday :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September's challenge 2013

YAW~~~ Back to school this month! :)
I know, I know but I can't help myself...not only does Ryan start 1st grade this year, but Mr Ryder starts preschool 2 days a week! :)
I'm excited for a few reasons. I'm excited for the boys to start a new phase in there life. I'm excited to be back on a schedule. I'm excited for the fall weather, and I'm excited to have some well needed time to do somethings just for me!

Overall I'm really happy with all the things I completed in August. There were just a few things around the house that I didn't get to...painting the house foundation....finishing the side yard....and moving the book case (I'm planning to get that done this coming Tuesday!) Either way I really happy to have gotten so much completed last month!

So what's on the list for September...
-Finish all back to school shopping (I should finish this up today)
-Start college classes and complete my course requirements
-get those darn t-shirts already
-finish Ryder's painting! (I'm starting this today and look forward to sharing the process on my blog)
-pay for vacation for October
-get pool safety cover
-finish side of yard
-continue with planning meals for the week and start my workout program (I was doing really well with this but had a set back the last few weeks, so I'm going to get back on board with this)
-and last but by far not least...... RYDER'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Sunday all and I hope everyone completes all their goals for the coming month!!!!