always love the start of a new month!!! I’m just one of those people who like
to have a new start each day ;)
Halloween behind us and just about all the trick-or-treating fun done, I’m
looking forward to moving towards the Thanksgiving Holiday and working on some
new and not so new goals. Around this time of year I usually start to do an
inventory of the things I had hoped to accomplish during the year and check the
things I acutely did… I’ve still got many things I didn’t get to this year and
like most some of my goals changed based on my life events ;) Early in October
I posted a quick list of things I would like to check off before the end of the
year and here is a recap of those:
Finish Christmas shopping and
Christmas craft gifts; get back brake pads replaced; detail car; get last few
items for baby 3; work on Scentsy business (get business cards and contact list
completed!!); paint hallway, stairway, and wall in kiddo’s room; finish
bathroom remodel; clean out Laptop; scan photo’s; pre-register @ hospital; list
Cows to sell; finish all current scrapbooks; and finish Ryder’s quilt.
For November, here is what I hope to
complete… finish Christmas gifts, get car in order, paint Ryder’s and Baby’s
wall, finish quilt, clean out laptop, put cows on e-bay, or other auction
selling site. Of course there’s got to be a CHALLENGE for this month, so my
Challenge is to keep-up with the never ending laundry, and try and get things
for the next day ready the night before. This all seems easy enough but for
some reason we still have not made it a habit…. Google says it take somewhere between 21 and 28 days to form a
habit, so let see if they are right :) Happy November everyone and may you
achieve all your dreams and goals this month!!!! :)